教育企业咨询 | Education Business Consultation

感谢您对我们的添翼工程感兴趣。 请花 5 分钟时间完成以下表格,因为这些信息将会对我们为您提供的免费咨询有着很大的帮助。填写完毕,请耐心等候,我们的团队将会在48小时内与您联系。

Thank you for your interest in The Wings Business Coaching. Kindly take a 5-minute to complete the form below which the information is very useful for our free consultation provided to you. Shortly after submitting the form, you will be contacted by our team within 48 hours.

Email *
姓名 | Name *
手提电话 | Mobile No: *
公司名称 | Company Name: *
选择教育项目 | Choose your Education Category: *
教育咨询提问 | Questionnaire for Education Business Consultation
企业已有明确的发展蓝图和目标 。| Company has a clear business blueprint and goals.
企业具有显著的核心竞争优势。| Does your Company possess significant competitive advantages?
如 "是",请说明:| If "Yes", please elaborate: *
企业把战略执行规划细分到位并将其导入各部门和员工的考核指标。| Company employs cascading strategy to break strategies into goals and distribute it across all departments and employees and integrate them with individual performance management.
请形容企业的总体组织执行力。| Please describe the overall execution ability of the Company.
企业在现阶段遇到的发展瓶颈:| What are the business growth bottlenecks encountered by the Company at this stage? *
员工信任并尊重我的领导。| Do your employees trust and respect your leadership?
在核心团队里,企业还欠缺哪个领域的专才: | Which critical talents are you seeking out to fill in strengthening your core team? *
员工可以在不参考任何资料的情况下讲出公司的愿景、使命、价值观和目标。| Can your employees present the Company vision, mission, values and goals clearly without any reference?
企业现有的薪酬与激励机制:| Your Company's current compensation and reward scheme:
企业多数的新项目资金从何而来?| What is your Company's source of funding for new projects? *
企业是否想过对外进行融资作为发展用途?| Have you ever considered fundraising for Company's expansion and development needs?
对于企业现在的市场定位以及客户群,您觉得需要调整吗?| Do you see a need to adjust the current market positioning and target segments of your Company?
在一般的情况下,企业会用何种营销策略?| Under normal circumstances, what would be the marketing strategy of your Company?
如 "(F) Other",请说明:| If you choose (F) Other, please elaborate: *
我对企业财务状况了如指掌,擅长利用数据分析并对其做出相应的战略与管理调整。| I have good knowledge of Company's financial situation and adept at using data analysis to make corresponding strategic and management adjustments.
企业具有特定的法律策略以应对可能发生的法务风险。| Company has developed legal strategy to address possible legal risks.
咨询日期与时间选择 | Preferred Date & Time:
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